Gear Reduction 22Z Pasquali Tractor 985
Spare gear Pasquali tractor
Pasquali 985 spare parts
Tractor Pasquali 990 spare parts
Pasquali 995 tractor spare
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+34 644 427 935
Spare gear Pasquali tractor
Pasquali 985 spare parts
Tractor Pasquali 990 spare parts
Pasquali 995 tractor spare
Pinion and Crown replacement for Rotovator Pasquali 3 points
Pinion ref - 982.102.3
Crown ref - 982.103.2
Spare Wheel 37z and diameter 117 valid for Pasquali Tractor
Tractor Parts Pasquali 991
Front crown Pasquali 956, 958, 977, 980, 986, 991, 966, 977
Crown parts Pasquali tractor 966...
Spare Crown with rotovator shaft Pasquali 33 teeth
Replacement of the third gear with the old 26z
Valid for Pasquali tractors
Pasquali tractors
Pasquali tractor replacement 2 satellites 900.137.1 and 2 planetary spare parts 900.136.1
Pasquali 956, Pasquali 958, Pasquali 977 ...
Models: 956,958,977,980,986,991,966,977
Pasquali tractor
Spare Crown Tractor Pasquali
Models: 956,958,971,977,980,986,991,996,997
Spare Parts Pasquali 913
Spare parts Pasquali 917
Spare Kit Disc Clutch Tractor Pasquali 913
Pasquali Tractor Clutch Hub ref-983.791.1
Pasquali Tractor Disc Clutch ref-424.002.0
Pasquali Tractor Thrust Bearing ref-901.098.0