
You are looking for a Piston to Repair your Diesel or Gasoline Minsel Engine, here we have the one you need to repair. National and international shipments with the best transport companies, for fast and damage-free delivery. Ariamotor Official Minsel Engine Distributor, specialist on Agriculture and Industrial Motors.


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Kit Piston Cylinder Gaskets M165 Minsel

Kit Piston Cylinder Gaskets M165 Minsel

Minsel M165 Gasoline Engine

Minsel M165 Engine Spare Parts Piston Cylinder Gaskets includes:

Cylinder, Piston, Segments, Bolt, Clip, Gasket Set ...

Valid for Agria 3000, Agria 3001 ... hoes, Mollón, Conesa, Ovac, Pasquali, Lande, Alfa ...

Price €139.00